Revealing good news about major semiconductor and energy projects of large companies

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, in 6 months, many large projects in the fields of semiconductors and energy (battery production, photovoltaic cells, silicon bars)… received new investment. and capital expansion.

Data from the Ministry of Planning and Investment shows that as of June 20, the total newly registered capital, adjustments and capital contribution, share purchase, capital contribution purchase (GVMCP) of foreign investors reached nearly 15.2 billion USD, up 13.1% over the same period in 2023.

Both new investment capital as well as adjusted capital increased over the same period with increases of 46.9% and 35%, respectively.

Implemented FDI capital is estimated to reach 10.84 billion USD, an increase of 8.2% over the same period in 2023. The quality of investment projects has improved significantly. Many large projects in the fields of semiconductors, energy (production of batteries, photovoltaic cells, silicon bars), production of components, electronic products, and high value-added products have been newly invested and opened. Expand capital in 6 months.

As of June 20, the country had 40,544 valid foreign investment projects with a total registered capital of 484.77 billion USD. The accumulated realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at about 308 billion USD, equal to 63.5% of the total valid registered investment capital.

Although the world economic context has many risks and challenges, the Ministry of Planning and Investment said that according to the current assessment of many domestic and foreign financial institutions, Vietnam’s prospects for attracting FDI capital this year are will keep a positive pace thanks to 3 core factors.

First, the important and increasingly strengthened role in the supply chain diversification strategy of multinational manufacturers.

Second, Vietnam’s economic growth recovered more positively this year.

Third, the macroeconomy is stable.

According to this Ministry, currently, Vietnam has the prospect of investing in many pioneering industries. The renewable energy sector is attracting interest, with an increasing focus on clean energy sources such as solar and wind power to sustainably enhance Vietnam’s electricity supply.

Investor confidence in Vietnam continues to be strengthened. Existing investors believe in the Government’s policies and the future development of Vietnam’s economy. Many investors evaluate Vietnam as an attractive destination with lots of potential and space in the medium and long term.

Vietnam’s position in the electricity and electronics supply chain is increasingly strengthened, so there is a trend of many corporations manufacturing electronic products coming to Vietnam.

However, the Ministry of Planning and Investment also affirmed that Vietnam must actively overcome some current bottlenecks such as urgently preparing skilled human resources, especially in the field of semiconductor electronics; overcome local power shortages in some localities with many electronic industry projects; Review procedures to simplify and shorten processing time, especially procedures after granting investment registration certificates such as construction permits, fire prevention and fighting permits.

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