50 famous American businesses seek investment opportunities in Vietnam

A delegation of more than 50 American businesses, including many big names such as SpaceX, Boeing, Amazon… is present in Vietnam to seek investment and business cooperation opportunities.

This is the largest number of US businesses ever participating in the annual program organized by the US-ASEAN Business Council. Investment promotion activities will take place from March 21 to March 23.

Information at the sharing session with the press, the US-ASEAN Business Council said that in addition to familiar names already present in Vietnam in the F&B or fast-moving consumer goods industry, pharmaceutical and technology companies The company sent high-ranking personnel to this event.

SpaceX is owned by the world’s richest billionaire Elon Musk and wants to sell satellite Internet services to Vietnam and other countries in the region.

Boeing announced that it will focus on sustainable fuels with new commercial aircraft lines.

And semiconductor manufacturing companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment manufacturers, large technology companies such as Meta or cloud computing service Amazon Web Services… think that Vietnam is emerging as a important names in production and supply chains in the region and the world, especially after COVID-19.

“Just look at the number of 52 American businesses coming to Vietnam this time, the largest number ever. This is a sign of greater interest in ASEAN, of which Vietnam is an active member. The world is worried about economic deceleration, but Vietnam is the growth center of the region. That is what American businesses are looking for,” said Mr. Ted Osius, Chairman and General Director of the US-ASEAN Business Council.

“We are committed to continuing to expand production activities in Vietnam with the opening of a third manufacturing plant, worth 8.5 million USD in the near future. The total number of workers is expected to be 3 times higher than today. Vietnamese workers are young, eager to learn and very responsive,” said Mr. Gan Yee Chun, General Director of Samtec Vietnam Company.

In addition, American businesses also revealed that billions of dollars of capital flow from investors are very interested in the fields of green energy development and production in Vietnam.

With a population of nearly 100 million people, Vietnam is a rapidly growing consumer market. This is a huge opportunity to develop the digital economy.

“Vietnam is an emerging tiger with 60 million digital consumers. Up to now, we have supported 85,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam to learn about business support tools on digital platforms. Thereby, businesses will get initial customer data and understand the market they want to target when selling. That is digital transformation,” said Mr. Rafael Frankel, Director of Public Policy for South Asia and Southeast Asia, Meta Group.

Representatives of large US businesses and corporations also said they will continue to expand investment in Vietnam. In 2022, the US will be Vietnam’s largest export market and the first export market ever to exceed the mark of 100 billion USD/year. In 2023, Vietnam and the US will celebrate 10 years of establishing the Comprehensive Partnership.

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