Lao Cai: Industry is a bright spot in economic development

Despite being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, industrial production in Lao Cai province has made many efforts to “overcome the storm”, becoming a field with rapid recovery, good growth and a bright spot, contributing contributed greatly to the province’s economic growth in recent times.

Metallurgical and chemical center of the country

Mr. Hoang Chi Hien – Director of the Department of Industry and Trade of Lao Cai province – said: Due to the dual effects of prolonged dry weather and the Covid-19 epidemic, industrial production activities decreased sharply in the first months of 2020. However, starting from May 2020, thanks to the active activities of businesses and the implementation of support measures in the entry of technical experts, import of raw materials, machinery and equipment. equipment and product consumption, so production activities have recovered and have a high growth rate.

Lào Cai: Công nghiệp là điểm sáng trong phát triển kinh tế

Industrial production value in 2020 exceeded 2.4% of the plan, reaching 37,050.8 billion VND, an increase of 12.5% ​​compared to 2019, exceeding 10.6% of the target of the Resolution of the 2nd Provincial Party Congress. XV set for 2020. Of which, the mining industry: Industrial production value reached 2,763.8 billion VND. Copper ore exploitation achieved high output due to the Ta Phoi copper project being put into operation and expanding the Sin Quyen copper mine; stable apatite mining.

Notably, the development of the processing and manufacturing industry: Production of yellow phosphorus, fertilizers, and phosphoric acid has increased output; In particular, one more red phosphorus factory has been completed and put into production, creating new products for Lao Cai industry. Industrial production value reached 26,380 billion VND, exceeding 6.3% of the plan, increasing 10.3% compared to 2019, continuing to affirm that Lao Cai is the metallurgical and chemical center of the country.


Regarding electricity production and distribution: The province’s hydroelectric potential has been promoted, industrial production value reached 7,907 billion VND, exceeding 3% of the plan, increasing 35.5% compared to 2019. There are 7 more Completed factories (Minh Luong Thuong, Bac Na 1, Bac Cuong, Ngoi Phat expansion, Suoi Chut 2, Nam Phang B, Suoi Chan 1), bringing the total number of completed projects to 61 projects with total installed capacity machine is 979.15MW. Electricity output reached 4,088.8 million kWh, exceeding 20.3% of the plan, increasing 27.4% compared to 2019. To date, the whole province has 152/152 communes, wards and towns with national grid electricity; 96.2% of groups, villages and hamlets and 96.1% of households have electricity from the national grid.

Besides, with the attention to develop and effectively promote industrial promotion capital, the province’s handicraft production value reached 2,976.2 billion VND, exceeding 0.9%, increasing 13.7% compared to the previous year. 2019. Currently, there are over 5,768 handicraft production establishments in the area, creating jobs for over 15,648 workers, with an average income of over 4 million VND/person/month.

In the province, there are 3 industrial parks in operation, with a total area of ​​1,285 hectares, including: Bac Duyen Hai Industrial Park with an area of ​​85 hectares, 100% occupied; Dong Pho Moi has an area of ​​100 hectares, 96.7% occupied; Tang Loong has an area of ​​1,100 hectares, 79.2% occupied. At the same time, an industrial park is being implemented in the western industrial park of the city in Phong Nien and Thai Nien communes, Bao Thang district, with an area of ​​1,000 hectares; 1 industrial park for processing, processing, and packaging import and export goods (in the Kim Thanh – Ban Vuoc area) approved by the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province in Decision No. 3222/QD-UBND dated September 23, 2020. area 228ha.

Along with that, the province currently has 12 industrial clusters with a total area of ​​145.67 hectares that have been planned in detail at a scale of 1/500 and are in operation, including 3 industrial clusters with a total area of ​​30.5 hectares. (North Duyen Hai, Dong Pho Moi and Son Man – Lao Cai city) has attracted 146 production and business establishments, the occupancy rate reached 100%, annual revenue reached nearly 200 billion VND, attracting workers. Employs over 800 people, average income reaches 4-4.5 million/person/month.

Strive for industrial production value to reach 40,400 billion VND

In 2021, Lao Cai province aims for industrial production value to reach 40,400 billion VND, an increase of 9% compared to 2020; The value of handicraft production reached 3,000 billion VND, an increase of 0.8% compared to 2020. To achieve the goal, the Department of Industry and Trade will closely follow the direction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial People’s Committee, and at the same time proactively and coordinate with departments, branches, localities, and the business community to discuss solutions to overcome difficulties, support businesses to promote production and business activities, and seek to expand product consumption markets.

In addition, advise on solutions to improve the business environment and enhance competitiveness for businesses; Focus on inspecting and urging to speed up the implementation progress of a number of key industrial projects, especially speeding up the progress of factories: Producing high-tech electric cables, rolling steel, recruiting Graphite to create products for later stages; Mobilize investment resources for infrastructure projects in the Industry and Trade sector, focusing on power grid infrastructure, industrial clusters, and infrastructure for import and export; Manage mineral exploitation and processing activities to minimize environmental impacts, ensure labor safety and protect national resources.

In particular, create conditions for the development of supporting industries; Deploying support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the province focusing on: Supporting industrial promotion policies, focusing on supporting machinery and equipment, technology transfer, technical demonstration, design and production Packaging Products; Propose the formation of innovative start-up incubators for technology transfer, production and processing of traditional craft products and local specialties, business start-up, business start-up, and product brand development.

In addition, plan and inspect the investment progress of a number of hydroelectric projects that are under construction and have been granted investment policy decisions in the province, focusing on 7 projects. Hydropower projects expected to be completed in 2021 include: Pa Ke, Nam Luc, Mong Sen, Ban Ho, Po Ho, Phuc Long, Bao Nhai 2 hydropower plants; Inspect and urge hydroelectric plants to strictly implement regulations on safety management of dams and hydroelectric reservoirs.

In 2021, Lao Cai province continues to focus on removing difficulties for industrial production units in the face of the still complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, at the same time, directing industries and localities to create favorable conditions for industrial projects to come into operation soon.

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