Bac Giang and Bac Ninh return to work from 10 July

Leaders of Bac Ninh and Bac Giang provinces said that the epidemic situation is basically under control, so from July 10, production and business will be restored.

This content was raised by the leaders of Bac Ninh and Bac Giang provinces at an online meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam on the afternoon of June 30.

Mr. Le Anh Duong – Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People’s Committee said that currently 222 businesses in 4 industrial parks with 55,400 workers have returned to operate with the “green zone” (safe zone) production model. That is, workers are allowed to go to work by motorbike or company shuttle bus and tested once a week. Businesses apply worker management software and rearrange boarding houses like corporate dormitories.

Mr. Duong said that in July, production activities in basic industrial parks will return to full capacity.

The province has established a steering committee to restore local socio-economic activities; 8 specialized working groups to handle different groups of issues, in which the focus will be on restarting industrial parks and safe socio-economic activities.

As for Bac Ninh, according to Mr. Vuong Quoc Tuan – Standing Vice Chairman of Bac Ninh Provincial People’s Committee, the number of infected cases in this locality has decreased to less than 10 per day, the number of cases in the community is less than 5 cases per day. For 23 consecutive days, Bac Ninh has not recorded any cases in businesses or factories.

With the epidemic situation basically under control, leaders of Bac Ninh province also said that this province will return to a new normal state at the commune and ward level from July 10.

Currently, 977 businesses have returned to operation with 255,000 workers. In order for workers to go to work normally and move safely between residential areas and businesses, businesses organize for workers to eat 3 meals a day right at the business.

In addition, the province also requires businesses in industrial parks to maintain temporary accommodation areas for workers right in factories and workshops to prevent the epidemic from returning.

Workers and employees must sign a commitment with businesses and localities to implement travel routes from the business to the factory and vice versa. The inn owner and surrounding shops signed a commitment not to sell goods to workers after 9 p.m…. implemented in the spirit of “workers are protected subjects”. Workers and experts from outside the province must be tested periodically every three days.

Bac Ninh also strengthened the activities of community Covid-19 groups and Covid-19 groups in businesses to strictly control epidemic prevention activities. After the pilot period, the province will allow workers to self-collect testing samples at businesses.

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam noted that all factories and enterprises in industrial zones that have reopened must be absolutely safe, “no matter what you do, you will get there”.

“After an epidemic, we must learn lessons, take steps very firmly and safely, and not let the epidemic return to the industrial park,” the Deputy Prime Minister requested.

In addition to ensuring safety in industrial zones and clusters, Bac Ninh and Bac Giang must strictly manage a number of production and business activities at public markets; Continue to consider limiting some types of non-essential services and activities.

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